Send your message

If you have any questions about EPP-AF® Propolis Extract, please send us your message and our team will be happy to assist you.

Who am I? Consumer

Use this option if you are a consumer of Apis Flora’s products. Please indicate, if possible, which products do you have questions about or the specific question about EPP-AF®.

Who am I? Researcher

If you want to stablish a research partnership, please send us a project description and a link for the lattes resume of the people involved in the project and your research institution.

Who am I? Client

Envie-nos suas dúvidas relacionadas à revenda, terceirização, representação ou a outros assuntos comerciais. Se possível, informe o nome de sua empresa.

Contact info

Apis Flora Industrial e Comercial Ltda

Rua Triunfo, 945 – Ribeirão Preto – SP – Brasil

+55 16 35144444

Who am I? Consumer

Use this option if you are a consumer of Apis Flora’s products. Please indicate, if possible, which products do you have questions about or the specific question about EPP-AF®.

Who am I? Researcher

If you want to stablish a research partnership, please send us a project description and a link for the lattes resume of the people involved in the project and your research institution.

Who am I? Client

Send us your questions about resale, outsourcing, sales representation or other commercial topics. If possible, please inform your company’s name.